
How to Achieve Your New Year's Resolutions

The New Year is here and so are your resolutions for the year. As you review your list, observe how many times you ve transferred the same resolutions into the New Year with a promise that this year you will keep them. Make a real difference this year, don t commit to keeping your new resolutions; commit to achieving your new resolutions. Implement the following guidelines and you will be on your way to accomplishing your goals once and for all.

Set Realistic Measurable Goals
Setting realistic attainable goals that are measurable is an important key to achieving goals successfully. If you set goals that are unrealistic and are impossible to accomplish within 12 months, you will be setting yourself up for failure which will lead to disappointment and a lack of motivation to conquer any goals. Goals must be measurable so you will know how much you have accomplished or need to accomplish to achieve your goals. For example, losing weight is a popular resolution; so if losing weight is your goal this year and you lose one pound in January, I guess you ve met your goal; but would you be happy with the results? Probably Not! However setting a measurable goal to lose 20 lbs. and walk 30 minutes daily will allow you to track your progress and allocate tasks to reach your desired outcome

Write It Down
Take it out of your head and put it on paper. Writing down your goals makes them real as oppose to dreaming about doing them sometime in the future. Written goals are specific and concrete and it allows you to create steps to reaching your goals. Your written goals should be placed where you can see them consistently. Post them on your wall, on the refrigerator, in your wallet or in your journal, do not put them in a drawer or notebook where they will be forgotten. Seeing your written goals will serve as a reminder to your commitment to attain your goals.

Take Action Consistently
You ve decided what you want to accomplish, your goals are specific, realistic, measurable and written down, What s Next? You must now take action, consistently. Start today with one task and continue to complete the task consistently even if you do not see immediate results. Your desired results will began to take form with consistent, persistent action. Consistent action becomes habit and it will become a part of your routine effortlessly.

Visualize The Desired Outcome Daily
Take a few minutes daily to visualize the desired outcome of your goal. Create a mental picture of what emotions you will experience once your goal is met. If your goal is earn a six figure income this year, visualize your bank account statement displaying $100,000.00 profit. What does it feel like? Your mental pictures will one day become your reality and you will be prepared for its arrival.

Celebrate Your Efforts
You don t have to wait until you lose 20lbs to celebrate your success. Celebrate the completion of daily tasks. If you complete a 30 minute walk today and didn t eat the usual late night snack, celebrate. Any tasks completed, self-discipline exercised or time taken to visualize your desired outcome will bring you closer to your goals than you were the day before so celebrate.

Start Over If You Get Off Track
If you get off track (hey, we all do), do not use this an excuse to stop pursuing your goals. Forgive yourself, determine what caused you to derail, improve the circumstances and start over again. Don t become paralyzed with past mistakes, or lack of self-discipline, just keep moving. Each day is a new day to work towards your goals and get closer to achieving your dreams, so don t let one day pass without taking full advantage of the opportunity to become better than the day before.

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How to A New and Creative Way to Share Photos

A New and Creative Way to Share Photos My friends call me artsty fartsy, because no matter what, i can always think of creative ways to share photos from things lying around the house or from someones discarded trash. My latest craze is YourStamps.com. What a great way to personalize birthday cards, party invitations and announcements with your favorite photo. But of course, I couldn t just stop there being that I have a reputation to hold up to. So I thought of all kinds of other ways I could make use of this cool idea. Check it out!

Personalize a lamp shade with postage stamps of the kids for the family room.

Personalize a photo frame with postage stamps of your favorite pet.

Make postage stamp Keychains with the owners photo and personalize it by adding their name, address in case they lose them.

Make postage stamp coasters for your coffee table for each person in the family. Great project for the kids! Use jar lids they can paint and place their personalized stamp in the center.

Dinner party place tags in lieu of using their name use a baby photo of them on a stamp. What a keepsake!

Family reunion name tags using old photos from when they were kids!

Create a postage collage of pictures from your favorite vacation!

Cut out pcs of wood, paint or varnish to match your decor and place a postage stamp of your photography work in the center to display in your office or home!

Last but least, my personal favorite, School Reunions! Personalize those invitations as well as their name tags with a photo of them from the school year book. After which they can add to their family album.

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How to Act With a Dinner Theater Group

Acting with a dinner theater group is a great way to live out your acting dreams. But like any other theatrical audition, you have to position and prepare yourself to stand out from the crowd and secure your dream job. It isn t impossible. Following these steps can help you to achieve goal.

Locate dinner theater groups in your area or in areas you d like to perform by researching dinner theaters online, calling them or checking advertisements in local newspapers. A simple Google search will yield you many results on groups that are looking for actors.

Research the groups you d like to audition for. You want to know their history, what type of performances they ve done in the past and what type of talent they usually hire. This will help you to know if you fit what they are looking for in a performer.

Pay close attention to what s needed in the audition process for each group. Not following their directions will definitely mean you will not make the group.

Prepare your audition material based on the information provided on their website or the material you were given when you called the group. Many dinner theaters may require a headshot so come prepared with one in your portfolio.

Practice the song(s) you plan on using in your audition as well as any monologue or scene you will perform.

Audition for the part. Give your best performance and hope that you get the job.

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How to Act While Singing

Beyond thinking about the pitches and words to a song, what do you think about while you are singing? The hair style of the woman sitting in the front row? The mismatched tie of the fellow sitting next to her? Here are six easy steps to help you prepare to communicate any emotion; love, joy, fear or sadness.

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Think about the song you are preparing. Consider if there is an obvious story or if the lyrics are poetic, based on a feeling or emotion.

Identify the following things about your character: what time period you live in (for example: the English countryside in the mid-1700 s, ancient Greece, an Italian city like Rome or Venice in the 19 century) and what s your social status (for example, you are a rich socialite, an unmarried maiden from a working class or peasant family, a bohemian living by your wits in a French city).

Decide what your physical surroundings are: the French countryside, a room in an English manor, on a bridge overlooking a river in a cosmopolitan city.

Consider what are you wearing: Is it an old rag or a peasant outfit? A tuxedo or evening gown? Is it casual or formal, comfortable or stiff?

Identify to whom you are singing. Is it a lover, an old friend, an enemy or a family member? What is the message you are trying to convey to them?

Apply the information to the words of your song. It is enough to be clear on why you are singing these lyrics. You do not have to act out the story, but you do need to have a clear intention and purpose. Be sure to color your words as you sing them to reflect the emotions based on your answers to the above questions.

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How to Act Like the Blue Man Group

Known for their wild theatrics, party atmosphere and comical music concerts, the Blue Man Group offers a truly unique form of entertainment. You may find yourself wondering what it takes to act like a Blue Man. Now you too can explore the possibilities and find the Blue Man inside you, an enigmatic character with the desire to take a chance.

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Exercise. Blue Men have a physically demanding career so Blue Man Group members are of athletic build. Performances often include improvisational dance, so consider a dance class.

Practice your drumming skills. Blue Man Group performances employ a wide array of percussion styles, so strong drumming skills are key to acting like a Blue Man.

Use gestures to communicate non-verbally. Blue Men convey emotion honestly and dramatically without speaking, so explore your own unique way of non-verbal communication and free your inner Blue Man.

Dress the part, now that you are practiced and ready. Find yourself an all black outfit and paint every square inch of exposed skin with blue body paint.

Let go of your ego, embrace your charismatic qualities, have fun and find the Blue Man inside of you.

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Love is boring

Yes, blink a few more times. Accidentally spit out your coffee. Wipe the sleep out of your eyes. You read it right:

Love is boring!

Whenever I've asked single people to define "true love," many have shot out some pretty twisted, outrageous ideas. They talk about "seeing the world together." They describe holing up in seductive hotel rooms with chilled champagne, silk teddies and maybe even a few naughty movies or sex toys. They wax poetic about spending days with their person snuggled under the covers talking about their childhoods. They speak of dancing in chic nightclubs interspersed with cold martini breaks in the cigar room. And it's always going to be this way, forever and ever, amen.

Whoa. There are gonna be a lot of disappointed couples out there if this shit keeps perpetuating itself. Because brethren and sisteren (is that even a word?), you haven't described "love," you've described a terminal state of extreme infatuation. A state that is impossible to sustain for its duration, unless you're a couple in a soap opera or a Harlequin Romance novel. Okay, so maybe you're still in high school. I'll cut you some slack if you are.

When I think of "love" in the truest sense, the words that come to mind: peace, serenity, quiet, predictability, stability ... yes, even boredom, although I suppose that's too harsh of a word. What I'm trying to say is that deep, abiding love has nothing to do with the scintillating scenarios described above. Those are flash-in-the-pan experiences, and while they're all great fun, they're just the mimosa that gets you drunk really quick first thing in the morning. They're not the meat and potatoes that you're going to need to exist for a lifetime.

I think of the most profound ways that I've shown my love. It's never been in grandiose gestures; it's always been in small, quiet ways. His favorite shirt has a stain, so I hunt down the best spot remover in the store and go to work on getting the stain out. I do his laundry along with mine and feel good, knowing that he's got clean clothes to wear. I run his errands if I have the time. I write the checks for the bills and get them sent out. I stitch up buttons and remember to buy his favorite bath soap at the store. I clean the bathroom. The really nasty bathroom, pee splatter, beard hair in the sink. I might complain about it to my gal pals, but in the end I don't mind that much. If I did, I wouldn't be doing it in the first place.

Sometimes a man will wistfully recall that his mother made fabulous chicken and dumplings -- his favorite meal. So I'll surprise him that night with his favorite dish (of course, after asking whether the dumplings Mom made were fluffy or more of the "flat" variety). Whenever he's sick with the 'flu, you better believe I'll come home from work at lunch to check on him, armed with Nyquil, Gatorade and Campbell's chicken soup, as well as an armful of video rentals. I might even take a sick day myself.

That's my way to love. Is it yours?

Let's take it a deeper. Do you care enough about your person to see that he or she is on a health insurance plan? That the taxes are filed on time? That the two of you have a pension saved up on which to retire? Do you love them enough to sit down with them and discuss what will happen if they or you get put on life support, and do you trust them enough to make the decision that *you* would want made? Do they know your preferred funeral plans? Someone who shares those things with you loves you. Truly, madly, deeply. And they cannot do without you, not on a bet.

Couples who are extremely infatuated talk about having children, yes. They pick out names and they discuss whether they want a girl or a boy, who their children will look like. This is just darling, isn't it? Sort of like the kind of conversation one might have with a middle school crush. But two people who love each other discuss what happens if they don't get the perfect child. How will they handle a child with Down's Syndrome? Or a behavioral problem? Is your person prepared, emotionally and financially, for all of this? And what about education -- private, public, or home school? How much will it cost for little Joe or Sally, Jr. to go to college? If you love each other, your language will be pragmatic and focused on problem-solving. Not envisioning the mini-us created "out of our love together."

People who are infatuated gift differently -- and more selfishly -- than those who love. When Part Une and I married, he spent a embarrassing amount of money carting us around the country for two months. I took an unpaid leave, and he hadn't found a job yet. When we got home, I found out that was all the money we had. Not only that, but the pretty chunk of change he'd spent hadn't been taxed by the IRS. This threw us is a hole from which we didn't recover for years. Yes, we had a romantic time. But blowing our cash didn't show me he loved me; it showed that he had to have the external stimuli in order to feel "in love." See, I didn't need a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon or a misty walk on the San Francisco piers. We could have stayed home, watched movies, and snuggled on the couch, and I would have been happy.

Scarily, so many couples adhere to the serial monogamy principle (see C.C.'S blog and all the comments that one garnered). Once the bloom goes off of the rose, they're convinced that it's gone to shit. These are some of the most unhappy people I've ever met, because they keep throwing one good thing away after the other, always thinking that the next person is going to be "the one" to sustain their excitement. This never happens, of course. Someone wakes up and notices that after three months of eating nothing but chocolate cake and caviar, the kitchen needs cleaning, so they get out the Brillo pad. About this time, the other realizes there's no more money left to zip off to the Caymans. They've gazed into each other's eyes night after night and told each other every childhood story there is to tell and revealed every secret. Now that they've expended the pillow talk, they argue over why they're not having a blast 24/7 and who's fault is THAT? Or maybe one party brings up a topic of a serious nature, like I mentioned above. Uh-oh! This isn't fun anymore ... um .... NEXT?

Both retreat to their respective corners and confab with their friends and family members. The relationship is dead in the water. Magic is gone. Sex is predictable. Boring! No, no, it isn't, friends. What you have now is ... love. Pure love. You've moved into the best and richest part of your lives together -- the forever part. The I-can-trust-you part. The you-can-become-my-most-trusted-friend part. This love is quieter, a slow, steady flame that can warm you gently. If you just let it. If you're prepared to be occasionally ... bored.

In my last blog, Just Jeff asked me basically, "Why monogamy?" Because one day I want to look into aged eyes who've seen my body change with time, who knows my history as well as he does his own. This will be the only person who ultimately matters: the last person. And I want that person, see. I know the value of that person. Most of my relatives are older. Most of them have lost mates. I pay close attention to what they say they miss about their person. And it's always the small things. He misses the way the house smelled when he got home at night, of warm pot roast, that meat and potatoes he thought would always be on the table. She misses having someone to go to church with, starching his work shirts when she does the wash. My mom misses hearing the sound of the lawnmower outside on Saturday mornings, when my dad used to cut the grass. But most of all, they miss, desperately miss, having someone to cover their backs when times get really tough. When they get lonely and just want to know that there's someone who loves them in the next room rattling the paper.

I don't know this for sure, but true love must be horrible. Terrible. The worst thing to ever endure. To see the person you love grow frail and forgetful. To see them lose the ability to walk on their own, perhaps in a wheelchair; oh, how that must hurt. To be the last face your beloved sees, or for theirs to be yours. And to know this will happen one day. There will be no memories of hot tussles under the sheets with people who don't matter anymore. Just the memory of one quiet day when you noticed the curve of their handsome, familiar face highlighted in a shaft of sunlight. The sum of all their smiles.

I look forward to the quiet, predictable phase of my next relationship or marriage. The thought of going through all of the high drama of courtship is just exhausting at this point, and not to say that it has its own perks, but I know it's only going to be temporary. I certainly don't plan on culling my most important memories from that "in lust" time. I would love more than anything to meet the man who, after a couple of exciting nights out, says, "Why don't you come over and read on the couch while I do some work in my office. I'd just like to know that you're in the next room, if I need you."

I'm looking forward to true love ...


In what small ways do you show your love for your current or past person? Did they appreciate those small things? Does true love ever get boring for you?

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How to Act Like a Supporting Character in a Mob Film

Everyone wants to be a gangster (if not a gangsta), so why not emulate one of those bizarrely memorable weirdos that populate mob films. Here are tips on how to do it.

Look the part. Slick that hair and get the threads befitting a man of your credentials. You'll need that style to blend in during those critical backroom card games.

Get a nickname. It can refer to some inexplicable verbal tic (see Jimmy Two-Times from "Goodfellas") or to a physical characteristic. Often nicknames are purposefully inappropriate, as in pretty much any mobster named "Big" or "Little" something. Sometimes these names do not make any sense.

Hang out and do mobster stuff, before inevitably getting whacked two-thirds of the way into the film because some job went terribly wrong.



Computer Advice for Home Recording Studios

Tips on computers for a home recording studio; learn to build and manage your home recording studio in this free video on recording music.


How to Act Like Tiffany on VH1's "I Love New York"

Her real name is Tiffany Patterson Pollard but thanks to Flava Flav, the world knows her as "New York." As the star of her own reality show, "I Love New York," New York vamps, curses and smokes her way through prime time in her quest to find her Mr. Right. If you really love New York and wanna be just like her, then read on to see how to follow in her sequined footsteps.

From her perfectly lined lips to her mink lashed eyes, New York is always done up and ready to go! So girlfriend, if you wanna be like Princess Tiffany pile on the eyeshadow, glue on the lashes and NEVER take 'em off!

She wears it straight. She wears it curly. She wears it proud. It's New York's hair weaves and she seems to have a different one for every occasion. So never forget, sistahs, it's ALWAYS about the hair! (Just whatever you do, never get it wet.)

Over the course of several seasons a certain aspect of New York seems to have gotten well, bigger. Yes it's her cleavage, and when we first met her on Season 1 of "Flava of Love", New York looked like an average 34B. Now 3 years later and our sweet New York is standing proud at a nifty 38D! So ladies if you wanna be noticed like New York, you gotta stuff them, you gotta pad them, you gotta expand your assets!!

Always skin tight. Always low cut. Sometimes outrageous. This is the way to describe New York's wardrobe. From red sequined hot pants to leopard print tube tops, if it's skimpy and sexy, New York has it on. So girlfriend, if you wanna be like New York you gotta shop at Frederick's of Hollywood!

She cusses. She loses her temper. She's definitely NOT a wallflower. When you're dealing with New York you always know what's on her mind. And as for men...she eats them for lunch! So ladies if you wanna follow in New York's footsteps, ya gotta step up to the plate and give as good as you get! Ain't no wallflowers allowed here!

She does it while kissing. She does it while eating. Sometimes she does one after another. It's smoking and New York is almost never seen without a cigarette. So sistas if you wanna keep up with New York, you gotta smoke like your life depended on it!



How to Act

Acting is a great hobby for people who want a creative outlet or a fulfilling career. Either way, the best way to study acting is through training and experience. Finding ways to obtain education and practice usually isn't that difficult if you live in or near a city, town or village, as many communities enjoy the arts and offer theatre and other creative events.

Check out acting books from the local library or read online about acting. Look for a way to study acting techniques on your own.

Understand that one gains the most acting know-how from committed participation. Learn acting and about yourself through playing different types of characters. Practice lines from plays on your own or with a friend.

Read the classified and entertainment/arts sections of the local newspaper to find out information about local acting groups, clubs or community theatre events.

Ask to join or participate in acting groups. Try out for a play or two, and volunteer for backstage work, such as prop or costume design. Be around acting as much as possible to absorb information and techniques.

Ask about drama and acting classes and clubs at nearby colleges. Most colleges and universities have drama clubs that produce plays and theater events. Try out for college plays if available or offer to volunteer to help out with productions.

Be willing to volunteer for local film projects, student film projects and public access television projects. Offer to do children's plays and parties. Gain experience from acting and performing wherever you can.

Build a network of people involved in the arts, after all you never know where your next acting opportunity might come


How to Achieve Excellence

" Appreciate Life, Achieve Excellence!" Life is Excellent! We have been provided with amongst the very finest of things that Life has to offer. We have to appreciate with gratitude the precious moments that life bestows us with, each day, moment by moment. By appreciating life, we are achieving excellence; we are truly reciprocating the excellent virtues that we have been endowed with and utilizing these for the benefit and progress of our wonderful universe and its wonderful people. * Appreciate, Appreciate, Appreciate, Appreciate, Appreciate, Appreciate, Always Appreciate and Be Thankful, Be Aware of The Wonderful Assets and Abilities that we have been Gifted with, Endowed with, Bestowed with, Treasured with, Blessed with, Always learn to Appreciate and Be Thankful and utilize each and every resource in each and every Moment constructively, with meaningful applications, following a systematically organized method of attending to each and every aspect of every endeavor, Be Aware of the Moment, Pay Very Close and Careful Attention, Fulfill your Responsibilities and Complete the Assignments and Objectives on the Agenda Meticulously apart from attending to an divergent portfolio of factors that may bear relevance to each and every aspect of each endeavor and Always Appreciate, Always Be Thankful, Be Grateful for each Moment, it is always Wonderful, Life is Excellent and its Moments are Miracles providing us with the Gift of Time to utilize effectively, responsibly and constructively that has a meaningful vision in foresight and anticipates accomplishing the pre requisites, objectives and responsibilities associated with the agenda of creating Benefit, Progress, Peace and Prosperity for The Benefit of Our Wonderful Universe and its Wonderful People consistently, Best Wishes, Be Aware, Pay Careful Attention to each and every aspect of every endeavor with Responsibility and Appreciate, Appreciate, Appreciate, Be Thankful................................................. Appreciate Life, Achieve Excellence How to Achieve Excellence, This is one of the methods briefly describing the continual expression and acknowledgement with Gratitude and Thanks for each and every Moment that we have been wonderfully gifted, awarded, rewarded and are being continually bestowed and endowed with, apart from Responsibly attending to our Assignments and Objectives consistently ................. fulfilling our duties and obligations effectively, attending to our assignments with an passion to excel and achieve Benefit, Progress, Peace and Prosperity for the Benefit and Progress of our Wonderful Universe and its Wonderful People consistently........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... * Please Be Vigilant, Please Be Cautious, Exercise

Always learn to Appreciate and be Grateful for the Wonderful Assets that each and every Moment of Life is wonderfuly bringing to each and every one of us, Appreciate The Moment, Moment by Moment, It is a Miracle, It is Wonderful

Be Grateful, Be Appreciative, Tremendously Appreciative and Thankful for all the wonderful assets that Life has and is consistently providing us, Thank you very much!

Remember, Each Moment is a Miracle, Life and its Moment, Each Moment by Moment are the Greatest Miracles, we are immensely fortunate, Be Appreciative, Do your very Best for our Wonderful Universe and Its Wonderful People always, Be Thankful, Be Appreciative, Life is Excellent!


How to "Survival"

This poem was written to improve other people's self-esteem. It was inspired by living in a world where all of us has experienced, at some point in our lives, adversity. Having experienced failure and disappointment in one's life gives the gift of self-motivation by utilizing the power of word analogy. Speaking positive in one's life is necessary in order to received successful results in the near future.

This poetic piece I hope, to inspire readers the key component in achieveing real success, is keeping a survivor's attitude, in effort to confront and conquer the unthinkable events of the world today, wherein
we should embrace these issues with realism and grace, promoting poetic

Poetic Empowering Affirmation to Enjoy-


Survival is overcoming and
beating the odds
of the unthinkable of the
unannounced events of misfortunes
that we experience in life,
during our human existence, that
any decent human being may
encounter from time to time,
survival is an attitude
of longevity that promotes
strength, and willingness
to thrive and succeed
in tackling adversity.

Charleen Angelee Bradshaw
Copyright ©2007 Charleen A Bradshaw

Poetry is more than an Art, it's a way of expression many
view the world.

Poetry empowers hope, it has a way of predicting the future; which
promotes change, with it's many variation of expressions.


How to "Stagedoor" at a show

How to meet actors after a performance

Arrive early to the theatre/venue, preferably fifteen minutes before seating begins.

Find an usher or box office attendant. Ask them where the stage door is. Follow their directions and find it, just so you know where it is.

After the show lets out, head to the stagedoor.

When you greet the performers, do not refer to them by their character name. Definitely don't refer to them by the wrong character name. Ask them politely to sign whatever you've brought, and/or take a picture. Do not shove things in their faces, scream, or grab them. Don't expect them to spend an hour with you (although, there are some actors who can talk for hours at stage door. Most keep it under a minute, though).

How to "Magically" Bend a Spoon

Watch your audience gape in amazement as you hold a spoon with two fingers and it bends, droops, and drops in two pieces.

Before performing this trick, you have to secretly prepare a spoon. To do so, bend the spoon at its weakest point, just below the bowl. Bend the spoon back and forth until it is just about to break. Plant the spoon where you can casually pick it up to begin the trick.

Pick up the spoon and show your audience that it is in tact. Then hold the spoon at the point where it is about to break. Squeeze the break. If you've weakened the spoon enough, squeezing will cause the spoon to break. Hold the halves together.

As you gently release the pressure of your fingers, the halves of the spoon will droop as you pretend to bend the spoon with you mental powers. Eventually let the halves drop.